CERATH Holds the Talking Agribusiness in Liberia Project Fourth Communication Event on Children’s Perspectives on Liberia’s Food Systems


The Talking Agribusiness in Liberia project’s fourth communication event took place on April 9, 2024, at the Corina Hotel in Monrovia, Liberia. The event, titled “Children’s Perspectives on Liberia’s Food System,” aimed to disseminate the findings of a research entitled “Children’s Perspectives of Liberia’s Food Systems.” It also provided a platform for information exchange and discussions on the inclusion of children in decision-making processes related to the food system. The project is funded by the European Union (EU) under the West African Competitiveness Programme.

Key participants at the event included representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Commerce & Industry of Liberia, the EU, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the National Children’s Forum.

One of the highlights of the event was a presentation by Maame Kyerewaa Brobbey, the project lead for Talking Agribusiness, on children’s perspectives on Liberia’s food systems. According to Maame, the research aimed to determine children’s perspectives on food security, explore their expectations for future food systems in Liberia, and examine their understanding and perceptions of different food types.

In conclusion, the fourth communication event of the Talking Agribusiness in Liberia project provided a valuable platform for discussing and disseminating the perspectives of children on Liberia’s food systems. By including children in the dialogue, the event highlighted the importance of considering their views and experiences in shaping future food systems. The participation of key stakeholders from government ministries, international organizations, and the National Children’s Forum demonstrated a commitment to promoting inclusivity and ensuring that children’s voices are heard in decision-making processes. Moving forward, it will be crucial to continue engaging with children and integrating their perspectives into policies and programs aimed at improving food security and nutrition in Liberia.