The Liberia Fisheries Governance Project (LFGP) is a 3-year initiative aimed at improving good governance, democracy, and accountability in selected coastal landscapes of Liberia. This goal will be achieved through enhancing the capacities and performance of local CSOs and media actors in safeguarding the rights and livelihoods of fisherfolk in the target areas. The LFGP is a response to the opportunity presented by the EU Delegation to Liberia to strengthen civil society organizations (CSO) and media actors as independent actors of good governance and development.

The project has four specific objectives:

  1. Enhance the structural, operational, and managerial capacities of the target local CSOs and media to become viable entities for good democratic governance.
  2. Strengthen the capacities of local CSOs working within coastal landscapes to promote the Collaborative Management Association (CMA) approach in enhancing inclusive resource governance and safeguarding the rights of marginalized fisherfolk.
  3. Support CSOs to advance the participation of youth, women, and other marginalized groups in the coastal economy.
  4. Enhance the capacities and role of the media to highlight, advocate, and promote inclusive and sustainable coastal governance and safeguard the rights of fisherfolk.

The project’s target beneficiaries are the local CSOs, media actors, and fisher folks within Sinoe County’s four coastal districts: Butaw, Greenville, Dugbe, and Sanquin. The project, with funding from the EU, is being implemented by a consortium consisting of CERATH Development Organization–Liberia (CDO) and Conservation Alliance–Liberia (CA) and will run from January 2024 to December 2026.